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Wecryl Systems

WestWood’s Wecryl systems are a cutting-edge solution in liquid-applied waterproofing.

Built on PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) chemistry, these rapid-curing systems deliver exceptional performance across a wide range of applications. Whether it's waterproofing for car parks, balconies, or other high-stress surfaces, Wecryl systems are designed to meet the toughest demands with innovative and reliable technology.

At the core of the Wecryl system is a seamless, fleece-reinforced waterproofing layer that bridges cracks and joints, ensuring enduring performance even under significant mechanical stress. This system is further enhanced with abrasion-resistant layers, making it ideal for both vehicle and foot traffic. The wet-on-wet liquid application ensures a fully bonded integration in areas with complex details such as upstands and penetrations.

With comprehensive test certifications and adaptability for refurbishment projects as well as new build, Wecryl offers a cost-effective, high-performance choice for durable and visually appealing waterproofing solutions.

Key advantages

Seamless waterproofing with fleece reinforcement

Suitable for heavy-duty vehicle and pedestrian traffic

Fully bonded, preventing water ingress

Compatible with almost any substrate

Flexible and crack-bridging, even in extreme cold

Weather-resistant and UV-stable

Chemical resistant

Unlimited design options for custom finishes

Fast and efficient application, even at sub-zero temperatures